Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Podcast: A Punkin Ale for Thanksgiving

Dog Fish Head Craft Brewery of Milton, Delaware makes an interesting seasonal beer. It’s called Punkin Ale, and is described by the brewers as “a full-bodied brown ale with smooth hints of pumpkin and brown sugar”. It is brewed with pumpkin meat, organic brown sugar and spices.

Punkin Ale is named after a locally-famous and seriously off-centered event in southern Delaware –Punkin Chukin, a competition where pumpkins are hurled more than 4,000 feet through the air. In fact, Punkin Ale made it’s debut as it claimed First Prize in the 1994 Punkin Chunkin Recipe Conest - 6 months before the brewery opened for business.

This podcast is about Dogfish Punkin Ale, which starts to be brewed in September and is gone by Thanksgiving.

More about the Punkin Chuckin event can be seen at this video (from Discover Channel) that inspired the name of the beer:

(Apologies for some porr sound quality towards the end- It’s a good beer, worth a listen and woth a taste)

Youy can hear the podcast @